Thursday, February 11, 2010

More to come . . . but this is the beginning of the last several months - working backwards and going forward . . .

Since August - Andrew and I have been working on moving his study to the area that was once Kendall's room, cleaning out the cold storage, putting up shelves, moving stuff, shuffling to reorganize to organize, removing stuff by making several trips to DI, more: moving stuff, shuffling stuff to reorganize to organize (you get the idea!), and removing more stuff to give more stuff to DI (23 years in a house does this to you!) and putting up shelves for my new area, purchasing some used filing cabinets and cleaning out my scrapbooking room (once the crap-room) and the upstairs kitchen pantry. You can see the . . . BEFORE and . . . AFTER!! Finally, several weeks after Christmas we finished our projects with only a small area left to complete (Andrew going through boxes to be filed)... doing all this in between family life, BYU football ballgames (very important you know!), church callings, Halloween, family life, Andrew's work, my PTA, family life, Christmas, & family life . . . . YAHOO!!! YAHOO!!! YAHOO!!! Before . . . After!!!!!!! I will add that we still have many projects on our to do list . . . but this is a start - a good start!!


McKenna said...

It looks so GREAT mama!! What a huge change. It's funny looking through the pics how many little details of our house I have forgotten. It all brings back so many memories. :) Great job Mami! What a huge project!

Courtney's Corner of the World said...

Looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Aunt Lori!!!! Great job guys!!!